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A Source of Brokenness: Who do you belong to?

Discussion thought of the day

“You don’t want to submit yourself to the will of God, and instead you adapt yourself to the will of anybody, and everybody”  Escriva

In the 1930’s the Biritsh Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, thought the way to peace was to appease Hitler, to give into his little demands, to sacrifice others that Hitler would find contentment.  It didn’t work of course, and the world was plunged into war.  I think many of us do that today.  Our friends are doing something we know is wrong, and we are quiet, afraid to destroy the relationship, yet all the time fearing for the consequences we know will come.  We give in to our children’s demands, thinking that a moment of respite and quiet is worth it, rather than engage in disciplining them. We make deals all the time, with the illusion that it will bring peace, and minimize the impact on our lives.

Except of course, we don’t bow to God, we don’t listen to the one who designed us, and we get mad at Him when peace isn’t there.  He points to simple things – love Him, love your neighbor, and points out the critical ways that can be done and lets us know we don’t have to submit to other God’s, we can use His name to praise and pray to Him instead of using it as a cuss word, we can cherish the blessings of marriage and life. We don’t have to covet other people’s lives and reputations….

DO these things, live in the way He designed, and there is peace.

If you don’t, confess them and He will provide the gift of cleaning it up, and making it right,

But we don’t even like that.  “why do I have to confess my sins” they cry!  “I don’t need a pastor, or a church, my relationship is with God!”  I guess, but even in saying that, the self-centered focus is turning down the gifts of God, and my expectation is the time you could have spent with God’s people, the burdens you have, the guilt and shame  – you will continue to bear as you bow to others agendas, and you appease them, for an illusion of peace in that moment.  The reality of it is, we belong to whomever we try to appease or submit to…

My friends, let God be God, submit to Him, look to His wisdom and promises….. when you belong to Him, the peace isn’t momentary, nor an illusion.  It is peace in the middle of storms, and through them.  It is real peace in life.

And in crying “Lord have mercy,” we acknowledge we belong to Him, when we confess our sins, looking for and receiving His love and compassion and comfort – we realize it again.  When we take part in the family of God, celebrating His presence, His promises, His gifts, the same – we revel in His being our Master, our Lord, our Savior.

SO this morning – who will you belong to?