
There are a lot of blogs out there about Jesus, about Christianity, about religion.  One of my favorite lines in theology comes from the Augsburg confession – “the chief purpose of all ceremonies is to teach people what they need to know about Christ”   There is a lot of theology out there, but what is critical is to understand is that God desires to have a relationship with us, and to understand what He has done to start and secure that relationship.  That is what these sermons are about, that is what the devotions are about…. that is what life is about, for life begins in His love!

About the title “A Simple Christian”  ( Wasn’t this “justifiedandsinner”?)


When I first started putting my sermons online, I used a blogging service and generated enough hits that they gave me a domain, and “A Simple Christian” was born.  They had a simple system, not pictures and they put a lot of ads on the side of my blog.  Some of them I didn’t like all that much, and so I started “justifiedandsinner” on WP.  Over 1000 hits later, I noticed my old blog name was available, and so I grabbed it.

Justifiedandsinner is a theological title – a very true, very accurate theological proposition.  That we are simultaneously sinners who Christ hs redeemed and therefore we are saints.  It is the Romans 7 thing, the things we want to do, that we know we should do, we do not.  The things we don’t want to do, that we know we shouldn’t, we don’t. But it is a theological proposition, something most people struggle with, but don’t quite understand.  it works, it’s good, and it resonates deeply with me.

I think “A Simple Christian” works better. For one thing, it reminds me to keep it simple.  That doesn’t mean shallow, but I want as many people to understand what I write as possible.  Deep enough for someone who has walked with God for a lifetime, yet expressed in a way that someone who grew up without knowing of Jesus would be able to understand.  Simple enough to focus on God’s love, yet hopefully, leaving us in awe at what it means to be loved by Him, a love that is beyond the ability to measure, even as we are invited to explore it, rejoice in it, revel in it, and find peace there.

So, A Simple Christian is back… and may it bless those who are willing to be shepherded and introduced to a God who simply loves you enough to make your life proof of that love.

P.S.  Come Join us at Concordia Lutheran Church in Cerritos. Ca. sometime, and share in this simple life with Christ.   (see concordia.org for more information)

  1. You have a nice blog and after reading your about I’m mindful of the apostle Paul who had an opportunity to witness to a governor, a king, and other prominent citizens (Acts 25-26). We don’t know the results of his witness, but the apostle Paul was faithful where God had placed him and so should we if Christ is our Redeemer and Savior. When you’re concerned for the spiritual needs of others and God opens a door of opportunity, any place is the best place to share the gospel; whether it’s on a corner street, at work, or in a king’s palace, or through blogs such as yours and mind.
    If the Lord has opened the eyes of our understanding so that we believe in Him, we can only humbly thank Him for His grace and mercy. Because we have done nothing to merit God’s grace and mercy, we need to keep praying that our Creator will do for unbelieving skeptics what He has done for us. If He has rescued you from eternal death, ask Him to use you as His instrument in telling others of the One (Jesus Christ) who gives new life and asks that He will, “Open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light.”
    Blessings in the name of the Lord – Mikey

  2. While reading your about, I’m mindful of the apostle Paul who had an opportunity to witness to a governor, a king, and other prominent citizens (Acts 25-26). We don’t know the results of his witness, but the apostle Paul was faithful where God had placed him and so should we. When our concerned for the spiritual needs of others and God opens a door of opportunity, any place is the best place to share the gospel; whether it’s on a corner street, at work, in a king’s palace, or through blogs such as yours and mine.

    If the Lord has opened the eyes of our understanding so that we believe in Him, we can only humbly thank Him for His grace and mercy. Because we have done nothing to merit God’s grace and mercy, we need to keep praying that our Creator will do for unbelieving skeptics what He has done for us. If He has rescued you from eternal death, ask Him to use you as His instrument in telling others of the One (Jesus Christ) who gives new life and asks that He will, “Open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light.”

    Blessings to you and your ministry – Mikey

  3. The first time I replied for some reason my comments weren’t there. So I posted it again. I came back to visit your blog and there were two, so you may delete one of the comments.

  4. I found you blog and I am better for it. I look forward to reading more and being ecouraged and taught by your words. I am not a Lutheran but I probably most identify with the theology over any other denomination.

  5. Dustin Appiah-kubi Isaac

    Thank you for this blessed devotional messages. Peace be with you

  6. Sorry, I am a poor pastor of a small church. For a not so nominal fee, I will give you permission to translate it and publish it. I am thinking $1000 per article US would be a fair price.

  7. Thanks for sharing your sermons and messages. The Gospel is a simple message all about Jesus Christ. Look forward to following and reading more. Please check out revealed8.com when you can:) GBU

  8. Hello. I am a Muslim with an interest in comparative religion.

    • justifiedandsinner

      Sorry, this blog is not for interfaith dialogue, nor for spamming me with advertisements for your page.
      If you want to get into that kind of dialogue, one on one with me, I am for it.
      Curious – Shia? Sunni?

      • Thank you for the message and sorry for any misunderstanding. I am not trying to advertise and /or sell anything and simply wanted to reach out to others, making them aware of the forum and that they are welcome to ask any questions. I am not interested in whether people agree with me or not -you have your religion and I have mine.

        It was nice to receive your message and I wish you well. I am a Sunni Muslim.

      • justifiedandsinner

        Mr. Gazdar,
        I guess when you post addresses and encourage people to come visit your page so that they can have answers about Islam, I see that as advertising.
        I get involved in interfaith dialogue, but I’ve never found such dialogue fruitful, except in person. The internet seems to reduce such discussions to either a debate, or a acceptance that dismisses the reality that one of the three religions of the people of the Book must be true, and the other two, therefore are not. We are obigated therefore to take such a journey together, and seek God’s guidance and revelation, for surely is He is a loving God that is guaranteed.

        we just can’t agree to have your religion and my religion = the peace of God is dependent on this.

        With that in mind, we can offer this blessing = may we both know and live in the peace of God which passes all understanding.

I love to know your thoughts on this... please respond!