Monthly Archives: August 2018

What kind of things are you willing to do for God?

Future and a HopeDevotional Thought of the Day:

28  They replied, “We want to perform God’s works, too. What should we do?” John 6:28 (NLT2)

41  If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. Mark 9:41 (NLT2)

819    Because you have been in pauca fidelis—“faithful in the little things”—enter into the joy of your Lord. The words are Christ’s. In pauca fidelis! … Now will you disdain little things, if Heaven itself is promised to those who keep them?

As I prepare to preach on John 6 this weekend, the first verse above is part of the text.  It takes me back to the days of college when we all believed we would do great things for Jesus.  We were willing after all, and some of us had the brains, and others the charisma, and a few had both the charisma and the brains.  And a few of us had neither.

Jesus’s response is interesting.  Most translate it “believe in the Son of Man.”  I read it as “depend on the Son of Man”.  There can be a huge difference between the two statements.  Belief seems like a passive response, just sit there and acknowledge me.  Just think about me once in a while, and let me take care of everything. Depend seems far more active as if we are going to do something that we can only do with God’s intercession, with His guidance, requiring both His power and His approval. 

Like being able to realize who needs a cup of water, and finding the focus to give it to them.

Like holding someone’s hand while they are crying, and keeping our own mouth shut, and sobbing with them. 

Like finding the strength to allow someone to make errors, and being there while they try and pick up the pieces.   Like finding the power to humble yourself and apologize for what you have done wrong, and doing what you can to make up for it. 

St Josemaria echoes the theme when he asks why we would toss aside the little things God has called us to do, For there we find God’s promises.  Not just rewards, but the presence of God that ensures those rewards.  The presence of God which is more than a reward.

It is easy to set our dreams high, expect ourselves to serve in the big things, to desire to write the perfect worship song, or pastor the megachurch, or become the next missionary who changes a country.  But those dreams are ours, not necessarily God’s.

God’s start small, loving your neighbor enough to give them a cup of water, or a listening ear.  For those things make a huge difference in life…..

May your faith allows you to see the needs of those around you, and a relationship with God that brings great joy when you help them know His peace!  AMEN!

Escriva, Josemaria. The Way (Kindle Locations 1881-1883). Scepter Publishers. Kindle Edition.