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The Greatest Collector’s Collection

Devotional THought of the Day:

This morning I will be doing a funeral, helping a daughter grieve, a daughter whose mom passed away10 months ago, whose day passed away last week.

When I met him, he talked a little about the history he had at our church, the families and friends he remembered, who he served by.  He also talked a lot about the things he collected over the years, the precious stamps and coins, the meeting with others who collected, the teaching of young collectors.  Our discussions brought to mind a favored passage:

 45 ‘Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; 46 when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.Matthew 13:45-46 (NJB)

That is a dedicated Collector, One willing to give up everything for that which is His prized possession.

So often I have heard that passage talk about those who seek for God – who seek for righteousness, who long to set things…right.

If you look carefully though, it is not so – the Kingdom of God is like the merchant – this is describing the work of the Father, and His work in coming to redeem (to purchase back) the pearl.  They are the one’s seeking to complete their collection, even as the Shepherd will look for the lost sheep, or the woman her lost coin, or the Father, his prodigal son.

God is out – collecting – He has sent His agents into the world (us – His people) to continue to search for the collection.  And He gave up everything- to purchase for Himself a people.  He gave up His only beloved Son.

It is in days like this, that our trust in God is challenged a bit – in days where the bills are tight, in days where we don’t grasp everything going on.. it is then we need to remember that He seeks us, He comes to us, He pays the price for us, He loves us…..

And His goal is to have us…with Him.

As we draw near to a close in this advent season…may we always rejoice in His seeking us.