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Abandon yourself to God

Discussion/Devotional quote of the day…

“As soon as you truly abandon yourself in the Lord, you will know how to be content with whatever happens. You will not lose your peace if your undertakings do not turn out the way you hoped, even if you have put everything into them, and used all the means necessary. For they will have “turned out” the way God wants them to.”  Escriva, Josemaria (2011-01-31). Furrow

It is difficult to do that which is encouraged here, what is encouraged. Completely entrusting oneself to Jesus, allowing Him to not only judge if an “undertaking” is a success, but allowing Him to determine how it is to “turn out”.
This is one thing to say we trust in, as  we gather in worship – as the sermon and music and liturgy all call to us to trust, to realize we are entrusted to the one who is more than capable of creation, of re-creation.  It is another thing to see that faith build, the commitment grow stronger, as we weigh important decisions in our lives, as we suffer pain and anxiety in a hospital bed, as we mourn a friend, as we get home after a long day, and find demands on our time and attention – even there.

Think again on the passion of Christ, the feast of His Body and Blood of Christ, the promises again of our baptism, the faith that shines from a child… who simply asks… don’t they know God’s love… It is there in realizing the depth, the breadth, the height and the width of God’s love for you, revealed in Christ’s work, known in the comfort, the consolation, the encouragement of the Holy Spirit.

It is there we find our purpose, our love, our life… there in His arms… there as He comforts, strengthens, guards,….. loves us.  It is there we find contentment – whether dwelling on mountain tops, or in the blazing hot desert.. or in the urban jungle.  As yesterday’s epistle reading and sermon focused on… we can open our hearts wide.. and let our God fill them…and He does, as He promises… and proves that love.

Rejoice, my friend this day, this Monday, for the Lord is with you… and you can abandon yourself… knowing you are entrusted into His care…

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