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How To Find Peace in the Middle of Conflict…. is it possible?

Featured imageDevotional Thought of the Day:

6  I am tired of living among people who hate peace. 7  I search for peace; but when I speak of peace, they want war! Psalm 120:6-7 (NLT)

304    Each day try to find a few minutes of that blessed solitude you need so much to keep your interior life going.

I am getting very tired.

Tired of those who yearn to fight, whether trying to tempt others into confrontations or verbal arguments, and especially those over spiritual things. I’m tired of watching those who would try and dominate over others, forcing their opinions, even opinions about inconsequential things, on others.

Tired of seeing people react without thought, assuming the worst, rather than letting things settle down and work out.  I can think of international issues, issues in our cities, issues in the Church. People trying to take advantage of those emotions, encouraging division, encouraging the battles that can rob people of any comfort, of any peace.

So do we just walk away, do we fail to minister to those on embroiled in conflict?  Do we hole up in a cave, like some in the early church did, creating our own monastic fortress, a place where heaven is on earth, and there is no conflict, no battles, no one trying to take over our world?

Or do we stand and minister to those in the fight?  Do we enter the fray, with the intention, not of fighting, but simply giving aid and pointing out to those in turmoil the hope of peace that is always there in Christ?

It is not so much that we find peace; rather we need to know that we have it already.  We have it because the Spirit dwells within us, because the Spirit brings that peace into our lives from the beginning. Therefore, our presence in the conflict can bring peace there.We become the point of peace, not only for ourselves, but all of those involved in the conflict – even the aggressors.

For us to have the ability to do so, we must take time to be with Him, in solitude, to pour our heart out, to let Him take our burdens.  We need to let Him not only bear the weight fo the sins committed against us, but to deal with our sin as well. That’s what it means to be still, and know that He is God.

For being involved in conflict, even as the peacekeeper wears you down, and it isn’t your strength that will sustain you.  Even more so, if you are the one involved in the conflict, if you are the one being engaged,

We need Christ; we need to know Him, depend on Him and trust Him, in every situation, in every moment.

For as we grow in our relationship with Him, even in the middle of a battle, or an argument, or as our frustrations grow, we ill depend on His presence, and that will give us the hope and peace needed to survive.  That is the result of spending that time Saint Josemaria talks of, that time in solitude and silence,..with our Lord.

Lord, have mercy!


Escriva, Josemaria (2010-11-02). The Way (Kindle Locations 789-790). Scepter Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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