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26  If (one) part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. 27  Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.  1 Corinthians 12:26-27 (NAB) 

I am sitting here, after driving 10 plus hours (somehow getting through Soledad took more time than taking the 91-405-101 during morning drive-but that is another blog)

I am beginning to rest, the camper is all set up….and I finally think back to our church services yesterday.  I think about our Taiwanese congregation, who are in those challenging days where they are looking for their new pastor….I think about the guests we had in our multi-cultural service, friends of friends.  I think of our people suffering through cancer, through depression, through work issues and family issues.  Sunday was my 5th anniversary with these people…we have been through the ringer…and have come out all the more dependent upon God’s love and mercy!

It was a little strange as so many of my friends, my parishoners said that I needed some rest that I needed to get away…. as if it was them that I needed to escape from!  Be assured…we will get physical rest.  But spiritual rest for me comes as we sing together, as we praise the God who brought us together, the God who is with us.   When we witness God working through each other, even those whom those who don’t know God’s love and mercy would consider the weakest.  Especially them, for they are the most amazing to watch God work through!  Watching the people of God trust in Him…watching that trust grow and build…it does a pastor’s heart good!

The verse above perhaps explains my rambling a bit better.  We are the people of God.  We belong to Him, and therefore are bonded to each other.  Distance can’t separate us.. lack of cell phone service or internet…( bahahahaha,,,,the campground has wonderful wireless!)  can’t separate us.  We’ve dined together with God.

There is nothing better….

Now to go and rest… knowing my people are in God’s hands…for that is not just my desire…it is His!

And my dear people at Concordia know this…above all….The Lord is with them! ( And also with me!)

And also…with you.

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