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Why Church?

When the topic of my occupation comes up, I have heard one answer pretty frequently over the years.

“A Pastor?  That’s cool, but I don’t need a building to worship God.  My worship time is just He and I”

It is, in our day and time – seemingly logical.  After all, many talk about their relationship with God as if it is individual, as if God’s purpose is to help a person through life, so that he/she can survive it, and then gain access to paradise, where everything will be perfect, and then we’ll find peace.

Makes for a nice movie, and some great stories… yet.. heaven is so much more.

Scene’s like the one from Isaiah 6, that we will hear tomorrow together in church – leave you filled with wonder and awe.  The scenes from Revelation of Jesus Christ ( you know – the last book in the BIble and yes – there is no “s” at the end!)  show crowds beyond number, over and over, entering the presence of God and adoring Him. It is a grand celebration, a feast beyond compare, a celebration thrown by God our Father, because His children are finally home… 

That is as well, a description of what church is, and how we should see it – an appetizer, a foretaste of that feast, a celebration where we with the whole company of heaven – sing our praise, voice our adoration of the God.  Church is a gathering of His family, to celebrate the love that He has for us, the work, the crafting of our lives – which to some may seem hypocritical and sinful at times – yet after He is completed with it – shine in the reflection of His glory.

That’s a lot to celebrate… that is a lot to feast upon, and as the ultimate Host, may we return our thanks.. to Him, with our voices, and our lives… together!


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