Can Life Return to Normal?

Devotional/Discussion thought of the day…

It may sound strange, but part of my morning discipline is looking at FB prior to praying – well actually- while I am praying as well.

Some may think it sounds strange – but I find it a great tool to figure out who needs me to pray for them.  Either because of trauma, or perhaps temptation, or perhaps that they realize they need forgiveness, and seek it out.  (no I am not thinking of you particularly as I write this… I swear!)

This morning, many are struggling, especially the parents and grandparents who are dropping off their children from school.  There is a sense of anxiety – even a sense of fear.  As I dropped my own son off this morning, it seemed like everyone was looking at everyone else differently – as if we were trying to determine who could be a threat.  We are a little more defenive a little more on edge- a little more suspicious.  Teachers may be as well.

Will we return to normal one person asked…will things ever be the same again?  Will we ever really, truly trust our schools to be a place of safety.  Will we go back to business and life the same way?

My answer may sound strange, but.. I hope not.

Not that I like the things the way they are…at all…but I think some things need to change.  I like the way how a priest once put it,

Ure igne Sancti Spiritus!—burn me with the fire of your Spirit, you cried. You then added: “My poor soul needs to fly again as soon as possible…, and not stop flying until it rests in God!” I think your desires are admirable. I will pray for you often to the Paraclete. I will invoke him continually, so that he may nestle in the centre of your being, presiding and giving a supernatural tone to all your actions and words, thoughts and desires. (1)

Most of our souls are not flying today, but I question whether they were flying before Friday, when we heard the tragic news.  Have we been journeying to find our rest in God? Have we sought Him, His presence His peace, Hil love, His guidance for how we are too live in life?  Do we see all of our varied vocations, parent, employee, boss, child of God, as journeys toward God – as opportunities to walk with Him – as an encounter with the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit who is their, not to condemn, but to lift up?  Whose correction is not simply to point out our wrongs – but to free us from that which constrains and binds us?

After tragedies – people often seek solace, peace in the church – they feel lifted and strengthened and loved – and then slowly, over a few months, we sink back into our normal patterns – trying to live without God, trying to make it all work according to our plan our logic.

I hate trauma – I hate having to deal with it… and the only thing I can find positive about it is this – it brings me back to the priorities and what should be normal.  To live life adoring the God who love me, and to love the people He has given me – all of the – especially the ones that cause me to love the people He has brought into my life.

If that was our norm… let’s return to it… if it wasn’t – maybe this time, will cause us to return to the normal God desires…

Cry out daily – Lord have Mercy…. and rejoice that His mercy and peace is yours – and that you can share it others.



Escriva, Josemaria (2011-01-31). The Forge (Kindle Locations 1957-1962). Scepter Publishers. Kindle Edition.


About justifiedandsinner

I am a pastor of a Concordia Lutheran Church in Cerritos, California, where we rejoice in God's saving us from our sin, and the unrighteousness of the world. It is all about His work, the gift of salvation given to all who trust in Jesus Christ, and what He has done that is revealed in Scripture. God deserves all the glory, honor and praise, for He has rescued and redeemed His people.

Posted on December 17, 2012, in Devotions and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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